Jeanne Marrazzo, The Real Estate Lady

Jeanne Marrazzo, The Real Estate Lady

I am a seasoned residential sales agent who believes in providing my clients with personalized service.

Based in Newton, a city accepting of alternative lifestyles, I specialize in first time homebuyers. Together we will find a home within your budget, which suits your needs and desires.

I also specialize in empty nesters interested in selling their homes. My marketing and negotiating skills will bring you the best possible price for the home you’ve loved for so many years.

Buying or selling a home is an emotional experience and I strive to make it as enjoyable and stress free as possible. Your satisfaction is my goal!

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Gay Lesbian Directory

  • 617-224-2031
  • Email
  • 362 Watertown St
    Newton, Waltham, Massachusetts 02458
    United States


Specialization(s): Residential Sales, First Time Home Buyer, Empty Nester, At Home With Diversity

GayLesbianDirectory Discount Offered: Up to $1000 cash back at closing

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