Noho Pride, Inc.

Noho Pride, Inc.

Celebrate Diversity - Noho Pride is a 501(c)3 tax exempt entirely volunteer-managed, non-profit organization working for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and all other people who support the struggle for equality in Western New England.

Noho Pride is a member of the International Association of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Coordinators (Interpride), a non-profit organization that provides support to Pride events around the globe. Over the years, Noho Pride's LGBT Pride Parade and Rally has grown to become one of the biggest Pride events in Western New England with over 15,000 in attendance.

The future for Noho Pride is exciting. We have developed relationships with area businesses and organizations to help with fundraising and to keep our community "prideful" all year long. We have seeded a scholarship fund to encourage young and old to come to our beautiful diverse community in Western New England. A Family Pride Day is in the planning stages and LGBT and allied entertainers will be encouraged to perform in our great area venues.

Our Vision: To foster events that honor the integrity, history and diversity of our LGBT community and to focus on awareness and unity among the LGBT/allied communities

Visit us online (click on 'Website' in this listing) and join our mailing list to LOOK for chances to win FREE tickets, coupons and gift certificates to local restaurants, theater, LGBT events, movies, and MORE in each edition of our monthly enewsletter!

Friend us on Facebook - Noho Pride Celebrate Diversity!/profile.php?id=100001196204721

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Gay Lesbian Directory

  • 413-586-5602
  • Email
  • P.O. Box 866
    Northampton, Massachusetts 01061
    United States

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