LIVE, Real Time lives of gay individuals developing a global online based ~All Things Gay~ LIVE/Video news station.

ThatsSoGayLIVE, LLC is produced around the lives of Gay Advocates as they develop a New Generational, online gay LIVE news station. Stage One begins with video feeds via social networks; Stage Two continues with a gay “portal” web-based gay news station (web-based=global); Stage Three is the Television Production (Reality/LIVE). We are the News~ Just Gay-D Up~All Things Gay, with a global presence. One place/portal for all gay news to stream into and then, comically, processed out.

Development of Stage One: Development of Social Media(s) to build viewership and knowledge of ThatsSoGayLIVE. Publicize video wishes from viewers and the gay organizations messages

Synopsis: There's a team starting an online, gay reality news channel. We have begun posting video for everyone to see the design. Input can be added by our Viewers (globally), and any organization can utilize the portal for airing. We are a queer news/talk show/channel that's recently launched and has been designed to promote the gay/gay-friendly (queer) community. We are providing a voice, face and personality to the queer community, in our own words.

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