The History and Mission of West Coast Singers
Founded in 1983 with a handful of members, West Coast Singers is the third oldest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered, mixed-voice chorus in the nation. In that more difficult time, the original intent was to provide a safe place for gay and lesbian people to come together and sing. As we look to our 27th season, we have grown in musicianship. West Coast Singers has become one of the premier gay and/or lesbian choruses in the world, offering the rich, full-bodied sound that can only come from a mixed chorus.
We describe ourselves as "The Chorus of the Lesbian/Gay Community of Los Angeles." This phrase perfectly describes our two complementary missions: singing and community involvement.
As a community chorus, we seek to embrace the wide diversity of experience from all walks of life in Los Angeles. Members of West Coast Singers are gay and straight, young and old, and from various cultures and histories who have joined together because of a shared love of singing and choral music. In the process, we demonstrate a positive example of diverse elements working together in harmony. In addition, we seek to educate and facilitate mutual respect between the gay and lesbian community and the community at large. We also strive to be an active and giving member of our community . . . performing for many social and charitable organizations.
As a community chorus, we sing to our fullest potential, making the best music that can be made. Our membership is comprised of singers with a wide range of skill levels. Some are professional musicians, while others sing simply for the joy and camaraderie that comes from being with others who are also inspired by music. The result is a group that has created choral performances of the highest possible caliber.