April Corbett, Verico Select Mortgage

April Corbett, Verico Select Mortgage


I work with my clients to determine the best possible solution for their needs. I don't stop there, I will stay in touch to continue to ensure you are still on track for your goals!

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4.33 star(s) from 3 votes

Gay Lesbian Directory

  • 250-713-7327
  • Email
  • 122 Craig Street
    Parksville, British Columbia V9P 1P3


Specialization(s): Mortgages - Credit Management

GayLesbianDirectory Discount Offered: Free Consultations

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 Amazing Service, 03-11-2012 08:31AM

By: april

I met April thru an ad she was running in the local newspaper. I met with her expecting to get a great rate on my mortgage. What i got was so much more....she explained the inflation hedge strategy that she uses and how I can pay my mortgage off much faster. I will have taken an additional 8 years off my mortgage in the first 5 year term!
J. Miller
Parksville BC

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