Buddies of New Jersey, Inc.

Buddies of New Jersey, Inc.

About Buddies of NJ, Inc.

Buddies of NJ, Inc. (NJB), 501(c)(3) is Bergen and Passaic County's Premier AIDS SERVICE ORGANIZATION.

Your support makes it possible to provide:  Service, Education, Resources, and Care to those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.

Buddies provides NJHS Licensed Substance Abuse Counseling & Treatment Services; Free Rapid HIV Testing & Counseling; Case Management; Medical Case Management; Housing & Housing Assistance; Dental Services; Counseling Services; Support Groups; Transportation; and a Food Bank.

NJB is supported with federal grants from the Ryan White Care Act, HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for People With AIDS), and the New Jersey Department of Health. Additional funding is also provided through private foundations, fundraising efforts, and generous contributions from the community at large.  Buddies is a founder and proud Member Organization of the New Jersey AIDS Walk, Inc. Walk the walk... It's In New Jersey... The 1st Sunday in May!


S.E.L.F. Support Group 
Mondays 7:00 PM–8:30 PM

S.E.L.F. (Support, Education, Learning, Friendship) - HIV+ Gay Men's Support Group geared towards the gay man who's working and at the same time trying to deal with all life's issues including his HIV status. It is a drop-in support group new and former members are always welcome to join.
Facilitators: Raymond Welsh, BA-Soc. & Sammy Manoharan, HIV Counselor

YMSM Support Group -  Starting this month...  For more information write: marc@njbuddies.org or mario@mariolcsw.com .

Positive People Peer Support Group 
1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month 6:30 PM–7:30 PM

Positive People Peer Support Group – For men and women who have tested positive for HIV/AIDS.
Facilitator: Martin Gilbert, DPM

Double Jeopardy Peer Support Group 
Thursdays 6:00 PM–8:00 PM

Double Jeopardy Peer Support Group - For men and women living with HIV/AIDS; Hep C (HCV); and/or substance abuse issues. This group focuses on chronic illness and the 12 Steps of Recovery. 
Facilitator: Barbara Cantrella, LPN, MCM

Positive Women Peer Support Group 
1st and 3rd Fridays of each month 7:00 PM–8:30 PM

Positive Women Peer Support Group – Caring atmosphere where HIV positive women share their daily experiences and give one another support with any issues that arise. New members are always welcome. 
Facilitator: Cheryl Weiner

PATHWAYS -  Trans Support (NON HIV Specific)  Providing a secure, friendly atmosphere in a social setting for anyone existing outside the binary category of male or female, their allies, and their significant others.   NJB is proud to assist this group as it grows; inquire for meeting details and locations: info@njbuddies.org

Didn't find the support group you were looking for?  email: ray@njbuddies.org

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Gay Lesbian Directory

  • 201-489-2900
  • Email
  • 149 Hudson Street
    Hackensack, New Jersey 07601
    United States
  • Hours

    Monday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
    Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
    Wednesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
    Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
    Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

MAP - Location is the barely visible box on the map. Click "+" to zoom in for more detail.

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