JRQ & Associates, LLC - Chicago Attorneys

JRQ & Associates, LLC - Chicago Attorneys

Bankruptcy: Whether you’re faced with foreclosure or overwhelming debt, our attorneys can help.  We can stop the bank from foreclosing through foreclosure defense/bankruptcy or eliminate your debt through bankruptcy.  Our attorneys can also help you defend against civil suits that seek to collect money judgments. 

Divorce: When terminating a marriage or civil union, many legal aspects must be addressed. We are responsible for assisting in the division of assets and debt among spouses. If there are children involved, we can help set the terms for child custody and child support. We conduct incredibly thorough research in order to gather supporting evidence in each case. We also compile detailed paperwork and submit it to the court, documenting all evidence.  For legal separations, we can carry out the separation through court orders.  If you would like to initiate divorce proceedings or your spouse has already done so, and you want experienced representation, please contact us to set up a free consultation.

Estate Planning: Estate planning is a complex area that needs an experienced attorney to ensure your decisions are implemented correctly and without the need for probate. It's incredibly important that your estate plan is always up-to-date. We can assist with simple and complex wills; trusts; financial and healthcare powers of attorney; advanced directives; and more.

Immigration: Managing visas, citizenship, and other immigration-related issues can be difficult and confusing. Our attorneys can ease the difficulty in obtaining and keeping immigration benefits. 

Real Estate: The purchase or sale of real estate can be one of the largest transactions someone has in their life. As a result, it is important to seek representation to protect your personal interests and to keep you informed. Our attorneys will work with you throughout the entire home-buying process to ensure that you are as knowledgeable and comfortable as possible.

JRQ & Associates appreciates the needs of all of our clients, and as a gay, lesbian, or transgender member of our community, you can be sure that you will be treated with respect, not ignorance.  Give us a call at 312.561.5063 and experience the special way we take care of our clients. Se Habla Español.

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Gay Lesbian Directory

  • 312-561-5063
  • Email
  • 141 W. Jackson Blvd., Ste. 2720
    Chicago, IL, Illinois 60604
    United States
  • Hours Currently Open

    Monday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
    Tuesday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
    Wednesday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
    Thursday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
    Friday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm


Specialization(s): Bankruptcy, Divorce and Family, Estate Planning, Immigration, and Real Estate

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