Julie Farias, MD - Park Nicollet Clinic

Julie Farias, MD - Park Nicollet Clinic

Medical care for gender transition is provided by our Gender Services team in friendly neighborhood clinic settings, including access to primary care, as well as specialty services within our well-respected multi-specialty clinics. We provide hormone therapy, some surgical therapy, and general preventive health care. All our providers are open to new gender patients in Gender Services, and to caring for LGBTQ patients in their other practices: family medicine, internal medicine, and obstetrics/gynecology.


I provide care for all patients, but have a special interest in primary care and obstetrical care for the LGBT population. I prescribe hormone therapy and enjoy providing longitudinal care for gender non-conforming patients.


Dr. Farias sees patients in Gender Services in Minneapolis and Family Medicine in St Louis Park.

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Gay Lesbian Directory

  • 952-993-8052
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  • 2001 Blaisdell Ave. S.
    Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404
    United States

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