Matthews Manor Bed & Breakfast

Matthews Manor Bed & Breakfast

7000 sq ft B & B 10 Miles from Charlotte, NC. Where guests arrive as strangers but leave as friends.

Located less than 12 miles from downtown Charlotte, North Carolina sits Matthews Manor, a 7,000 square foot home in the quiet suburb of Matthews. The home was built in 1973 on 52 acres of country land. Eventually, a residential neighborhood was built on the surrounding 51 acres as the town of Matthews grew.

On your arrival, we will be happy to serve you complimentary soft drinks, coffee or tea in the dining room. During the spring and summer season, lemonade is also available on the back porch. There are also assorted soft drinks available in the upstairs kitchen.

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Gay Lesbian Directory

  • 704-708-5560
  • Email
  • 1726 Soring Stone Dr.
    Matthews, North Carolina 28105
    United States


Rates: $129 - $199

GayLesbianDirectory Discount Offered: 10%

Amenities: Full Breakfast, Refreshments during the day, Pool, Ice Machine, No Smoking Rooms, Internet Access, Air Conditioning, Fireplace, Kitchenette, Refrigerator, Microwave, Coffee Maker, Cable/Satellite TV, VCR/DVD, Robes, Hair Dryer, Ironing Board, General Release Movies

MAP - Location is the barely visible box on the map. Click "+" to zoom in for more detail.

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