Patrick Hancock Attorney at Law

Patrick Hancock Attorney at Law

Protecting you and your family, regardless of how you define your family. Clear, easy to understand life planning, for the rest of us. Come talk to me about your situation. You may or may not need any or all of the common life planning documents:

  • Last Will and Testament,
  • Statutory Power of Attorney (For Financial Affairs),
  • Medical Power of Attorney (for Health Care Matters),
  • HIPAA Authorization,
  • Directive to Physicians (Living Will),
  • Declaration of Guardian in the Event of Later Incompetence or Need of Guardian,
  • Appointment of Agent to Control Disposition of Remains,
  • Declaration of Appointment of Guardian for Minor Children.

We can also discuss a Revocable Living Trust. This type of trust allows you to “move property out of your estate” and thus eliminate or vastly simplify probate. This type of trust is an important and valuable tool for some estate planning problems. Unfortunately, it has been much “hyped” and marketed as the best solution for “everyone” primarily driven by the high fees charged by the promoters. In my experience, less than 20% of my clients requesting a Revocable Living Trust will actually benefit from such a trust. If it is appropriate for your situation, a simple Revocable Living Trust will handle most non-tax situations.

You should not have to pay an attorney to find out if their skills are a good fit for your problem. Your initial 30 minute consultation with our attorney is always free. You may discover that you do not need an attorney after all. Many problems that appear to need a legal solution may be solved without the expense, delay and frustration of invoking the legal process. Contact us and set an appointment for your free consultation. Together, we can explore your options.

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Gay Lesbian Directory

  • 817-467-0737
  • Email
  • 2911 Turtle Creek Blvd, #300
    Dallas TX, Texas 75219
    United States


Specialization(s): Wills, Trusts, Estates, Probate

GayLesbianDirectory Discount Offered: 20% off our Essential Estate Planning Package

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