Reproductive Alternatives is the Law Office of Robert Terenzio, can help you attain parentage through surrogacy, egg donation or sperm donation. Our practice is limited to parentage issues regardless of the make up of your family, single, coupled. partnered or married.
We can obtain surrogates, egg donors or sperm donors as your needs may dictate. Our ten plus years of experience in this area will provide you ample opportunity to ask any and all question of just how to form your family.
We invite all Gay, Lesbian or Transgendered prospective parents to contact us for a confidential meeting for their parenting needs.
New technology now permits HepC and HIV+ to parent. We can provide you the benefit of our experience in a non-judgemental atmosphere.
This law office has clients from all corners of the world and the attorney, Robert Terenzio, regularly lectures in the US and Europe on third party reproduction.
We have designed a fee structure which is affordable and do not charge for infomational conferences.
Services are available via skype, email, phone or in person.
Specialization(s): Third Party Reproduction
Tampa Bay, Riverview, Carrollwood Northdale, FL, Florida
United States
2 S. Biscayne Blvd. Suite 3100
Miami, Fort Myers, FL, Florida 33131
United States