I have been helping buyers and sellers with their real estate needs in the San Diego Area since early 2003. Over the years, I've acquired significant industry knowledge and connections. all of which will benefit you when I sell your property or assist you in buying one – with intelligence, efficiency, clear and responsive communication, and expertise.
My clients range from first-time buyers to the more seasoned multi-million dollar investors. Sellers and Buyers – from residential homes to multifamily investment properties—will find me to be attentive, responsive and most importantly, effective.
Although I focus my efforts on the larger San Diego Metro Area, I can help you with your real estate needs just about anywhere domestically and internationally as a cost-free resource for quality, vetted agent referrals.
Be assured that when you work with me, YOUR interests always come first.
I rely on referrals for my livelihood. Only by providing exceptional service to YOU can I expect to be referred to my next client.
Specialization(s): Residential Real Estate Sales
GayLesbianDirectory Discount Offered: Complimentary buyer or seller consultation
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Seattle Portland Los Angeles San Diego Palm Springs Las Vegas Albuquerque Phoenix Denver Minneapolis Chicago New York City Boston Washington D.C. Baltimore Charlotte Miami Fort Lauderdale New Orleans Atlanta Dallas Houston, California 92262
United States
3825 32nd St.
San Diego Hillcrest CA, California 92104
United States
United States
9665 Wilshire Blvd. #400
Beverly Hills. West Hollywood, Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, CA, California 90212
United States
77-622 Country Club Drive #V
Palm Desert, Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage, CA, California 92211
United States