As an investment executive with over 25 years of experience in the financial services industry, Michael Wallman has developed a keen insight into developing professional and personal relationships.
Michael brings his investment talents to each of his clients while providing quality client communication and service. He works closely with his clients in formulating appropriate strategies and his expertise lies in finding investments that match each client’s specific goals and objectives. Most of Michael’s practice is working with small business owners, real estate agents and brokers, artists, solo practitioners and entrepreneurs addressing all aspects of their financial needs. He specializes in Financial Planning for the LGBTQ+ community and is the founder of the “Life Planning for the Alternative Family” Seminar Series. Michael uses a “Team Approach” to financial planning bringing in professional expertise in areas such as Taxation, Insurance, Wills and Trusts, Real Estate, etc. all of whom are well versed in the specific needs of the LGBT community.
Michael has three daughters. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, watching college sporting events and working out. Michael is an active member of the community and is an advocate for the LGBTQ+ community in Orlando and Miami, where he has been a member of the Miami Dade Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce since 1998, and has moderated monthly Lunch and Learn Central in downtown Miami. He has been fortunate to be able to speak in front of the local commissioners and politicians in Miami to gain support of the equal rights ordinance. Michael sat on the speaker’s bureau for SAVE Dade, which is the leading LGBT advocacy organization in Miami-Dade County, Florida, promoting equal rights for all Americans. Michael is currently a member of MBA (Metropolitan Business Association) central Florida’s leading LGBTQ+ chamber of commerce and sat on the Board of Directors for 2 terms. He also is a co-founder of the MLA – Miami Lacrosse Association, past president of S.I.P.A Spanish International Parent Association and sat on the Code Enforcement Board for the City of Miami for 2 terms. Michael previously chaired the SAC (School Advisory Council) at Glenridge Middle School in Orlando.