AKI supports existing animal welfare organizations in poor countries in Africa, Latin America, and E. Europe. Currently, we have 11 partner organizations in 10 countries: Uganda, Namibia, Ghana, Tanzania (2 partners), South Sudan, Liberia, Honduras, Jamaica, Barbados, and Armenia. Because our partners work in poor countries, it's difficult for these organizations to raise money in their own countries. AKI gets the word out about the great work our partner organizations are doing. Through AKI, donors can give with confidence that their donations will be used only for animal welfare purposes and can track the use of their contributions. AKI has no overhead-we send 100% of your donations to our partner organizations.
All of our partner organizations are operated by local people. Some of the organizations have shelters, some focus on spay/neuter, some on comunity animal care services, some provide humane ed, and most do a combination. We support our partner organizations' priority needs--the work that each partner organization has identified as critical to changing attitudes and behaviors towards animals in their country.
AKI's website describes each of our partner oragnizations, their programs, challenges, goals; through the AKI Blog (you can sign up on the AKI website), we provide updates about how our partner organizations use AKI funds; our monthly newsletters (sign up on the website) keep our supporters updated about partner organization activities. (See www.animal-kind.org for more information on AKI.)
When you donate, you can designate one or more of our partner organizations to receive your donation. See "Our Supporters" page on the AKI website for examples of how people can make a real difference for animals in poor countries. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization; all donations are tax deductible in the US.
AKI is helping animals....without borders. Because we believe that animal welfare has no boundaries.