MadMikesAmerica is a relatively young website that averages 10K visitors a day and moving on up. It is a versatile news magazine that offers opinions on everything, along with breaking news, pet and lifestyle tips, and political and environmental issues, along with much, much more.
It's editorial position is a little left of center, but all opinions are welcome. It is a vigorous defender of human liberties and personal rights.
By: Peter
This is a fun place and I highly recommend it to all the progressive thinkers out there. I know you will love it.
By: Gary Shaw
I visit MadMikesAmerica every day, in fact I submitted a few of their stories to share sites and got quite a few points in my favor at Reddit and StumbleUpon, it's good mixture of news (their take on it) and humor, arts and music. If I'm looking for something different to submit I always go their first.
Los Angeles
Web Based