Why Acupuncture?
I have been practicing the ancient Chinese healing arts of Acupuncture and herbal medicine for nearly 25 years and yet every day I am amazed the the healing and restoration of health that I see in my office. Many acute and chronic health problems can be treated successfully with Acupuncture.
Acupuncture is a form of medical therapy that involves inserting then needles into selective sites on the surface of the body to effect healing. It works with the energy or life force inherent in all living things to promote the body's ability to heal itself. My work with patients is a partnership.
I also use herbal therapy in many of my treatments. Herbal formulas are constructed by selecting herbs with a variety of actions which, when combined, address both the person's most outward symptoms and the internal imbalances. These formulas are very effective and without the harmful side-effects of many pharmaceuticals when prescribed and used properly.
While I specialize in treating women's health issues (menstrual problems, fertility challenges, menopausal symptoms, etc), I also treat stress, fatigue, pain, injury and chronic internal imbalances.
I invite you to visit my website to learn more about acupuncture and my particular practice.
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4015 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 104
Torrance, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Redondo Beach, CA, California 90505
United States