The journey to becoming an Intended Parent through Gay Surrogacy can be a highly complex process and overwhelming.

Where do I start? Who do I trust? How can we find a Surrogate Mother that is accepting of same- sex couples? How can we find an Egg Donor? 

Many single gay men, single lesbians and gay couples are turning to egg donation, sperm donation and surrogacy to help achieve their dreams of having a family.

Today, men in the gay community are proving that neither gender, nor sexual orientation is an obstacle in building a family while women in the lesbian community are continually providing a powerful drive that has inspired the gay community to chase their dreams to parenthood.

Gay Surrogacy for Men employs IVF using donor eggs and sperm from one or both partners or using donor eggs and donor sperm and a surrogate. In traditional surrogacy—the egg from a surrogate is fertilized by a partner or donor sperm.

Gay Surrogacy for Lesbians encompasses IVF using the eggs of one partner and donor sperm or using donor eggs and donor sperm, in which the embryo is implanted into a surrogate.

Making choices is an essential part of everyday life; making informed choices turns dreams into reality. We will connect you with gay friendly providers from around the globe who offer fertility procedures to all family types, regardless of marital status or sexual orientation. takes pride in making connections between Intended Parents, Surrogates, and Egg Donors—and helping build strong, healthy families raised by wonderful gay parents.

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 Thank you!, 12-07-2012 06:23PM

By: FindSurrogateMother

We found our surrogate and choose the agency and ivf clinic all from this website.

Thank you!

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