Massage Magic By Willie

Massage Magic By Willie

Caring, professional male massage therapist offering a magical combination of Swedish massage, deep tissue and therapeutic touch.

Serving Waterbury, Stowe, Waitsfield, Warren, Montpelier, Barre and other nearby towns. Locals and visitors welcome. Burlington area residents also welcome.

Enjoy the peace and serenity of my secluded, luxury mountain top setting near Waterbury.

Visa, Mastercard, Discover, ApplePay and cash accepted. Contact me by email or phone to make an appointment.

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Gay Lesbian Directory

  • 800-478-0348
  • Email
  • 607 Crossett Hill
    Waterbury, Burlington, Stowe, Montpelier, Barre, Burlington, VT, Vermont 05676
    United States


Specialization(s): Swedish, deep tissue

Rates: $70 per 60 min, $90 per 90 min

GayLesbianDirectory Discount Offered: First time clients only: Pay $70 for a 90-min massage. Ask for the 1st timer discount.

Clientele: Mix, LGBT, Straight, male, female

MAP - Location is the barely visible box on the map. Click "+" to zoom in for more detail.

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