Randy Granger, Licensed Massage Therapist

Randy Granger, Licensed Massage Therapist

Licensed Massage Therapist Randy Granger in practice since 1991. NM Lic. #674. Experienced, intuitive and professional with results that are fast and lasting. Deep to light pressure, energy work, aromatherapy and deep tissue work. Offering Swedish massage, reflexology, polarity therapy, energy work, Deep-Tissue.

Reasonable rates and value considering years of practice and expertise. Also trained in treatment of Fibromyalgia, Nuero-muscular and many other modalities. Shower is available for clients and a complimentary bottle of water as well.

New clients receive a $10 discount off your first massage appointment with mention of this website.

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Gay Lesbian Directory

  • 575-495-9587
  • Email
  • 3065 Las Placitas Rd
    Las Cruces, New Mexico 88011
    United States


Specialization(s): deep tissue, swedish, stretching, reflexology, sports massage,

Rates: $60 1-hour, $85 90-minutes

GayLesbianDirectory Discount Offered: $10 off first visit with mention of this ad.

Clientele: Mostly Gay Men, couples, Lesbians, mix of straight and gay welcome

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 Just no, 06-29-2024 06:05PM

By: Anon

Just no. That's all I can say.

 Go somewhere else, 05-27-2024 10:06AM

By: Las Cruces

All I can say is find someone better if you need a massage.

 J, 10-27-2023 07:18PM

By: M

Couldn't get a response. When I did, it came off as kind of hateful. I suggest go with someone else. If you are too busy for customers find a different profession.

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