Skyridge Church of the Brethren

Skyridge Church of the Brethren

Skyridge Church of the Brethren offers you a place to belong, grow, and put faith into action. Founded in Kalamazoo, Michigan in 1961, Skyridge includes people of various ages, ideas, backgrounds and occupations. Together, we genuinely seek to practice compassion, grace and love as Jesus taught.

Our pastor, Rev. Debbie Eisenbise, has been with us since 1996. In the last ten years, our congregation has called two openly gay members to ordained ministry; one is now serving in a Lutheran ministry; the other with the Disciples of Christ.

A progressive Christian community, open and affirming and welcoming all people, we invite you and those you love to join us for worship, study and fellowship. Sunday mornings: 9:45am: worship (child care provided); 11am: fellowship time followed by Christian education for all ages (Sept.-June).

Congregational fellowship activities include: shared meals, retreats, nature walks, game nights, and celebrations of life passages. We advocate justice for all through participating in walks for the hungry and homeless, serving meals, taking up collections for those in need, and speaking out against war, violence, and oppression.

Special worship services include Christmas Eve (6:30pm); Maundy Thursday Love Feast (a meal, communion and feetwashing); Easter morning (following breakfast and an egg hunt: 9:30am). Communion is served five times a year; anointing for healing is offered four times a year. Worship is inclusive and participatory—men and women; adults, youth, and children share in leadership.

We call out the gifts of each individual, cultivating creativity that finds expression in rich visual arts, music, dance, poetry and narrative. Recognizing everyone's unique God-given gifts, we welcome people of all races, ages, genders, national origins, sexual orientations, religious backgrounds, and differing abilities. We encourage the use of inclusive language.Our faith emphasizes simplicity, compassion and peace.

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Gay Lesbian Directory

  • 269-375-3939
  • Email
  • 394 S. Drake Rd.
    Kalamazoo, Michigan 49009
    United States

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