While only a dozen or so of our 150 members are GLBT, we welcome them. We welcome people regardless of their race, physical ability, sexual orientation - or religious beliefs. We're the oddest denomination in the country that way; we expect our members to make up their own mind about the nature of God.
We have Agnostics, Athiests, Buddhists, Christians, Deists, Theists, Wiccans and members who can't be summarized in one word. We welcomed them. We would welcome you.
Our web site has two dozen sermons by our minister, another three dozen by guests (we have lay speakers once or twice a month), pictures, Sunday Service topics and other information you may find interesting.
Regular Sunday Services are 9:30am & 11:00am
Summer Months (June thru Sept) and some Holiday weekend Sunday Services are 10:00am.
We offer Nursery Care for children under Kindergarten and Religious Education classes on Sundays for children and youth older than Nursery.
Adult Education classes are available throughout the year, however, they are not normally on Sundays.
We have various activities, potlucks and gatherings throughout the year.