The Hawai`i Island HIV/AIDS Foundation, a duly registered 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, was established through a merger of the Big Island AIDS Project and the West Hawai`i AIDS Foundation on September 15, 2003, and provides island-wide coordination of services to all persons affected by HIV/AIDS.
The artist rendition of the ho`okupu is a ceremonial gift-giving as a sign of honor and respect. As our chosen logo, it is a symbol of our commitment to provide the best available services and resources to everyone needing them.
Our Mission
The Hawai`i Island HIV/AIDS Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting those affected by HIV/AIDS to maximize their quality of life and to ending the spread of HIV. We also utilize the lessons learned in the HIV epidemic to care and advocate for others in the fight against related diseases.
Our Vision
To build a healthier, stronger and more sustainable community that supports all its members with a focus on HIV issues.
Core Values