HIV Treatment, Diagnosis and Prevention, with providers accredited by the American Academy of HIV Medicine as HIV Specialists and more than a decade of expertise in medical management of HIV. Services include immune system monitoring, antiretroviral therapies, adherence education and side effect prevention. We provide expert advice on exposure prophylaxis and can do confidential HIV testing in our office.
Clinical Research is a focus at Metropolis Medical. We provide HIV treatment and prevention research. Participation in research is financially compensated.
Specialty Care for Infectious Diseases, including Sexually Transmitted Infections, Enteric Parasites, Upper Respiratory Infections, Skin Infections and Antibiotic Management. Additionally we visit patients admitted to Davies Medical Center and California Pacific Medical Center to provide Infectious Disease consultations.
Specialty Care for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community including episodic and chronic medical conditions, hormone replacement, medication management, cardiac risk assessment and nutrition counseling.
Travel Medicine – traveling to a tropical or subtropical country? Metropolis will provide you with up-to-date information on the vaccines and medications you need for staying healthy. Visiting San Francisco as a tourist and sick? We can provide you with the remedies you need. Falamos Portugues, Wir sprechen Deutsch, Hablamos Espa?ol.
Skin Care - Treatments that modify and reduce the long term effects of aging, chronic medication use or sunlight are provided in the office. Treatment with Sculptra® can reinstall fullness of the face, Botox can remove some of the age related changes to the face. Please ask about pricing specials on these treatments in the office. We specialize in the removal of warts, skin tags and moles.
Primary Care for our patients.
1241 E. Hillsdale Blvd., Suite 100
Foster City, Fremont, Oakland, San Francisco, CA, California 94404
United States